Carroll, B; Walsh, K; Scharf, T; O’Donovan, D; Keogh, S (2023) ‘Positive health and ageing policies for older Irish travellers and older people who have experienced homelessness in Ireland: Life-course meanings and determinants’. Social Science & Medicine, 336 (116264) [DOI] [Details]

Walsh, K & Urbaniak, A (2023) ‘Social exclusion and critical transitions in later life: Trajectories, forms and mechanisms’. Journal Of Aging Studies, 65 (101137) [DOI] [Details]


Hopf, Stefan, Kieran Walsh, and Nena Georgantzi. (2022) “Social Patterns of Ageism: Expert Perspectives from Austria and Ireland.” Ageing and Society, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X22000186

Walsh, K., Carroll, B., MacFarlane, A., O¿Donovan, D., & Cush, P. (2022) ‘Life-Course Marginalities of Positive Health and Aging: A Participatory Approach Integrating the Lived Experiences of Older Irish Travelers and Older Homeless Adults in Multistakeholder Research Processes’. Qualitative Health Research, 32 (7):1139-1152 [Details]

Léime, Á. N., O’Neill, M., Schrage-Früh, M., & Tracy, T. (2022). Wedded to the land? Representations of rural ageing masculinities in Irish culture and society. Journal of Aging Studies, 101058.

O’Neill, M., & Léime, Á. N. (2022). ‘In a hospital bed or… out doing Indiana Jones’: older Irish men’s negotiations of cultural representations of ageing. Ageing & Society, 1-24.


Hopf, S.; Walsh, K.; Flynn, E.; Georgantzi, N. (2021). The Relationship between Ageism and Well-Being as Mediated through COVID-19-Related Experiences and Discourses. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18, 10490. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph181910490

Keogh, S & O’Neill, S & Walsh, K. (2021). Composite Measures for Assessing Multidimensional Social Exclusion in Later Life: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges. Social Indicators Research. 10.1007/s11205-021-02617-7.

Ní Léime Á and O’Neill M. (2021) ‘The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Working Lives and Retirement Timing of Older Nurses in Ireland’, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, special issue ‘Health and Well-Being of Older People in an Era of COVID-19’, eds. C. Hennessy and E. Douglas, 18(19):10060. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph181910060

McDonald B, Scharf T, and Walsh K (2021) ‘Older people’s lived experience and the World Health Organization age-friendly policy framework: A critical examination of an age-friendly county programme in Ireland’, Ageing & Society, 1-26, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X21001355

Aartsen, M., Walsh, K., Villar, F., Lowenstein, A., Katz, R., Naim, S., … & Vidovićová, L. (2021). Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life and the Role of Gender: A Heuristic Model. Gender Studies, 1, 16-35.

MacInnes, H., Walsh, K., & Österberg, T. (2021). The inverse care law and the significance of income for utilization of long-term care services in a Nordic welfare state. Social Science & Medicine, 282, 114125.

Hansen, T.; Kafková, M.P.; Katz, R.; Lowenstein, A.; Naim, S.; Pavlidis, G.; Villar, F.; Walsh, K.; Aartsen, M. Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life: Micro- and Macro-Level Patterns and Correlations in a European Perspective. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 202118, 12418. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182312418

Hopf, S., Previtali, F. and Georgantzi, N. (2021). New Forms of Ageism as a Challenge for a UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons. University of Toronto Quarterly, 90, 2, 242–62. https://doi.org/10.3138/utq.90.2.12


Buffel, T, Rémillard-Boilard, S, Walsh, K, et al. (2020). Age-friendly approaches and old-age exclusion: a cross-city analysis. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life. Advance access. Doi: 10.3384/ijal.1652-8670.14

Cush, P, Walsh, K, Carroll, B, et al. (2020). Positive health among older traveller and older homeless adults: A scoping review of life‐course and structural determinants. Health and Social Care in the Community.00: 1– 19.

Urbaniak, A. and Walsh, K. (2020). The interrelationship between place and critical life transitions in later life social exclusion: A scoping review. Health & Place 60: 102234, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.102234.


Ní Léime, Á,  Jim Ogg (2019)  Guest editorial, Introduction to Special Issue, Ageing and Society, ‘Gendered impacts of extended working life on the health and economic wellbeing of older workers in Europe’. Ageing & Society, 39 (10), 2163-2169.doi:10.1017/SO1686X18001800

Ní Léime, Á,  Street D.,  (2019) ‘Extended working life in Ireland and the U.S.: gender implications for precarious and secure workers’. Ageing &  Society, 39 (10), 2194-2218. Doi:10.1017/SO144686X18000508

Walsh, K., Scharf, T. (2019). Social Exclusion of Older People: Life-course and jurisdictional dynamics of multidimensional disadvantage. – Foreword Life course dynamics and multidimensional disadvantages – Special Issue. Retraite et société. Volume I, no. 81, 9-15.

Walsh, K., O’Shea, E., Scharf, T. (2019). Rural old-age social exclusion: A conceptual framework on mediators of exclusion across the life course. Ageing & Society. 1–27, doi:10.1017/S0144686X19000606.


Duvvury, N, Ní Léime Á., Callan, A., (2017) ‘Erosion of pension rights. Experiences of women in Ireland.’ European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, https://doi.org/10.1080/23254823.2017.1381034

Ní Léime, Á, and Street, D., (2017) ‘Gender and age implications of extended working life policies in the US and Ireland’, Critical Social Policy, 37 (3), 464-483. DOI: 10.1177/0261018316666211 csp.sagepub.com

Ní Léime, Á. (2017) ‘Older women public sector workers in Ireland; decisions about retirement timing’. Journal of Women and Aging. 29(5), 392–404. DOI:10.1080/08952841.2016.1196079

Walsh, K., Scharf, T., Keating, N. (2017). Social exclusion of older persons: A scoping review and conceptual framework. European Journal of Ageing. 10.1007/s10433-016-0398-8.

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