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- Title: Flying under the radar? Risks of social exclusion for older people in rural communities in Australia, Ireland and Northern Ireland.Year of publication: 2015Journal Number: Sociologia Ruralis, DOI: 10.1111/soru.12129
- Title: Introduction – Social policy and ageing through austerity. In: Kieran Walsh, Gemma Carney, Áine Ní Léime (eds),Ageing through Austerity: Critical Perspectives from Ireland.Year of publication: 2015Journal Number: Bristol: Policy Press.
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- Title: Measuring old-age social exclusion in a cross-border context: Findings of a comparative secondary analysis in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, Galway.Year of publication: 2014Journal Number: ISBN: 978-1-908358-19-6.
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