Patricia ConboyAdjunct Lecturer

Patricia Conboy is an Adjunct Lecturer with the Irish Centre for Social Gerontology and an Independent Consultant with expertise in policy analysis and influencing related to ageing and older people at community, national, European and global levels. As Head of Global Ageing, Advocacy and Campaigns with HelpAge International (2016 – 2021), Patricia provided strategic leadership on initiatives to advance the rights of older people in low- and middle-income countries through engagement with multilateral stakeholders, governments and civil society organisations, and supporting the agency and voices of older people. Prior to joining HelpAge, Patricia was director of Older & Bolder, an Irish alliance of NGOs campaigning with older people at community and national levels to advance their rights and deliver a National Positive Ageing Strategy. The Strategy was successfully delivered in 2013. Older & Bolder’s archived website is available here. Patricia currently chairs the International Advisory Group for STRiDE, an initiative led by the London School of Economics to improve dementia research and policy in middle-income countries.

Selected and recent publications:

Conboy P. (2021) Older-Age Exclusion and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In: Walsh K., Scharf T., Van Regenmortel S., Wanka A. (eds) Social Exclusion in Later Life. International Perspectives on Aging, vol 28. Springer, Cham.